
Hi, I'm Arefin!

I build Robots and Web Apps. I am a student of class 10 in Dhanmondi Govt. Boys' High School.

My Achievements


Stood 3rd in World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2022

I stood 3rd in Future Innovators Category in the World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2023 In this category, we are given a theme. On the competition day, we have to present a robot on that theme to the judges. My project was 'Crisis-Connector'. You can know more about this project in the projects section.

Date: 27 October, 2022

Date: 27 October, 2022

Received Khude Biggani (Little Scientist) Award 2023

I received Khude Biggani award for my year long success and activities. Only 6 people got this award in whole Bangladesh.

Date: 17 March, 2023

Date: 17 March, 2023

Stood 1st in Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2022

I stood 1st in the Robot in Movie 800+ participants in the Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2022. In robot in movie, we need to make a movie on a robot based on the theme in 7 hours. (Receiving prize from Honourable Minister of State) My project was a 'Resturant Bot'.

Date: 26 October, 2022

Date: 26 October, 2022

Stood 3rd in World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2022

I stood 3rd in Future Innovators Category in the World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2022 In this category, we are given a theme. On the competition day, we have to present a robot on that theme to the judges.

Date: 26 October, 2022

Date: 26 October, 2022

Stood 2nd in National Child Prize Competition

I stood 2nd in Dhaka city among 200+ participants in the National Child Prize Competition 2021. In this category, we had to present a project to the judges (Receiving prize from the Honourable Division Commissioner of Dhaka)

Date: 30 May, 2022

Date: 30 May, 2022

Stood 3rd in International Robot Olympiad

I stood 3rd among other countries like the US, Thailand, South Korea, India, the Philippines and other countries. The competition was held online. We had to build and present the robot to international judges.

Date: January 2022

Date: January 2022

Stood 1st in Bangadesh Robot Olympiad 2021

I stood 1st in the Creative Category and 3rd in Robot in the movie among 800+ participants in the Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2021. In this category, we are given a theme. On the competition day, we have to build a robot based on the theme within 7 hours. After building the robot we need to give a presentation to the judges. In robot in movie, we need to make a movie on a robot based on the theme in 7 hours. (Receiving prize from Honourable Jafar Iqbal sir)

Date: 27 September, 2021

Date: 27 September, 2021

Stood 2nd in World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2021

I stood 2nd in Open Category (Junior) in the World Robot Olympiad-Bangaldesh 2021 In this category, we are given a theme. On the competition day, we have to present a robot on that theme to the judges.

Date: 27 September, 2021

Date: 27 September, 2021

Stood 3rd in Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2020

In the creative category, we are given a theme. On the competition day, we have to build a robot based on that theme within 7 hours. After building the robot we need to give a presentation to the judges. In robot in movie, we need to make a movie on a robot based on the theme in 7 hours. (Receiving prize from Honourable Lafifa Jamal ma'am) My project was 'Automactic Bus with Litter cleaning system'.

Date: September 2020

Date: September 2020

Featured Projects

Crisis Connector

Its an autonomous robot which will work in disaster response. In natural disaster times, communication may broke down. Then crisis connector can establish temporary mobile ntework for 8 hours. Also people can receive meesages from government and also request emergency services through this robot if there is not network in that area. Crisis-connctor is a demo robot. It will be connected to satellite in real life. If you want to know more, then contact me through FB or email ;)

Tech Stack: Raspberry pi, Arduino, Network Booster, Motor Driver, Touch LCD, Battery, Motor etc.

Olympia 3000

Its an autonomous robot which will work in The Olympics. Many disable persons cannot enjoy Olympic due to accessibility issues. So, Olympia can take them around Olympic and help them enjoy as normal people do. The function of olympia are: - Autonomous navigation - Elevated view for crowded areas - Real time event information - Universal wheelchair connection design - Emergency medical assistance. If you want to know more, then contact me through FB or email ;)

Tech Stack: Raspberry pi, Arduino, Servo, Motor Driver, Touch LCD, Battery, Motor etc.

Automaton: A robot for senior citizens

A model robot made for the senior citizens of the community. This robot will do all necessary tasks for senior citizens when their children are out of the home. Automaton robot will be fully autonomous in real life. You can see all the functions of the Automaton robot in the video.

Tech Stack: Arduino, Motor Driver, LCD, Servo, Battery, Motor etc.

Blog App

A blog app with custom search, animations and dark mode. It stores all the data in GraphCMS. The blog uses SSG to render the blog posts. Multiple writers can write here.

Tech Stack: Next JS, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS, Graph CMS

Task Management System

It's a task management system or HR management system. Any business can use it to maintain its workflow. It has a CRUD functionality for tasks and projects. Only the admin can add new users and assign tasks to users. Anyone can check who has done the work and it has a deadline feature. If the deadline is passed, then nobody can submit their works without the admins' permission. Login using this username: arefinanwar112@gmail.com and password: Admin#123.

Tech Stack: React JS, Firebase, CSS

To-Do App

A to-do app with all the functions you need. It has CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) functionalities. All the tasks are stored in firebase and changes apply in real time.

Tech Stack: Reaact JS, Framer Motion, Tailwind CSS, Firebase

My Skills

Tools I have used

Contact Us

Made with ❤️ by Arefin Anwar

Email: arefinanwar112@gmail.com

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